WATBs Complain About Mean Ol’ Mitt

This is a real Democratic ad that was released this morning.


For the record:

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154 Responses to WATBs Complain About Mean Ol’ Mitt

  1. myiq2xu says:


  2. swanspirit says:

    Nice try , more and more blatant lies waaah Mitt the meanie didn’t let Obama win ! no one told Mitt this was an affirmative action debate?

  3. catarina says:

    Waaa waaaa!


    Pass the popcorn!

    Romney didn’t allow himself to be shortchanged or shoved around.
    Good to know he’s not an asswipe, since he’ll be dealing with Putin, Ahmadinnerjacket, and some other pricks when he’s elected President.

    • swanspirit says:

      Hi Cat , nice to see you 🙂 I don’t think he can be easily steamrolled, given the successes he has had.

      • catarina says:

        So if when Romney wins, he’ll personally be in charge? No Valerie Jarret pulling strings behind the scenes?

        No bowing or kissing of Islamofacist ass?
        I can’t wait.

        btw Swan you have mail..

  4. fif says:

    Ha Ha. Too fucking bad. I’m sure tribal warlords are going to pamper Bambi too. What a joke. Grow up.

  5. yttik says:

    Mitt Romney handled Jim Lehrer masterfully……and by the end I think Lehrer really appreciated it.

    That’s a sign of really good leadership, when you can lead the dance and not only convince your partner to follow you, but make them really enjoy the experience.

    There’s nothing aggressive or hostile about it. It’s simply an acknowledgement that we have to work in harmony here and win together or we won’t win at all.

    I love people like that. They’re rare. I wasn’t expecting to see it in Romney.

  6. carol haka says:

    I was never a hard core Dem or Repub. Like most people do with religion, I. Picked. And chose the parts I liked best and then decided on competence and character the best I could. 👿 I think it is so cute that the last 5.5 years of Hussien has created a come to Jesus moment, even among the athiests, to start vetting their opinions. On Nov 6th I hope I can go back to a real life instead of trying to live life trying to avoid more financial loss! 👿 god Bless.

    • carol haka says:

      How did “god Bless” get on the end of my rant? Keying with 2 bad arms and hands on a phone is difficult. Maybe I meant “God Bless America”. 🙂

  7. myiq2xu says:

    Okay, I’ve been up almost all night and I need to get some sleep.

    Y’all keep it real until I get back, okay?

  8. votermom says:

    I used to buy in to the meme that robot Mitt was too perfect to be human?
    I think last night Mitt proved he was the Terminator all along.

  9. Yttik, Mitt Romney, pancake bunny:

  10. yttik says:

    In the midst of all the debate drams, I don’t want Palin’s words to be missed. She summed it all up so well.

    “Many of you have seen the 2007 speech in which then-Senator Obama suggested that because of racism the federal government didn’t waive the Stafford Act to assist New Orleans after Katrina. What you may not know is that 10 days before Senator Obama gave this speech, the federal government did in fact waive the Stafford Act for New Orleans. And to add insult to injury, Barack Obama was one of 14 senators who actually voted against the bill that included the provision to give supplemental emergency assistance to New Orleans. In other words, he was being dishonest and divisive, which is behavior we’ve sadly seen far too often from him in the last four years.”-SP

    • votermom says:

      Yup. He’s a two-faced backstabber, aways been that way.

    • carol haka says:

      The first person to take it to Obama while all others cowered! She is still taking it to him daily. Mitt and the rest should bow at her feet on a daily basis for her generousity and laser precision in gutting the asshole in the WH. Thank you Sarah for all you have done and continue to do for Americans even though most are too stupid to figure it out. I hope to call you Madam President someday! 👿

      • Glennmcgahee says:

        After Palin’s eye-opening statement. THAT would make an excellent commercial ad> Show Obama’s statement and then tell that it was he who voted against waiving the Stafford Act for New Orleans. Its the only way many will see the true side of Obama and his pandering.

    • gram cracker says:

      Interesting info from Daily Caller that appears to report objectively a comparison of Bush and Obama Admins handling of disaster relief.

      “Despite his harsh criticism of the George W. Bush administration’s handling of Hurricane Katrina in 2007, President Obama decided not to waive a requirement that state and local governments contribute 25 percent of relief funds devoted to cleaning up after a tornado that swept through Joplin, Mo. in May 2011.

      Bush, however, waived the Stafford Act at times to provide more support to Katrina’s victims. In May 2007, weeks before Obama’s initial criticism of the Katrina relief effort, the Bush administration provided an additional $6.9 billion to affected areas.”


    • DM says:

      What is happening with the market today has nothing to do with the debates. The only thing that’s moving the market is the Fed. If it wasn’t for the Fed liquidity policy, the market would be melting down, regardless who is expected to win the election.

  11. catarina says:

    One has to wonder if Obama is curled up in a fetal position right now with ValJar feeding him spoonfuls of soup.
    He might even be wearing a Depend.

    Yup, our commander in chief.

  12. DandyTiger says:

    Al Gore says it was Denver’s altitude. Bwahahaha.

  13. DM says:

    Obama wins elections by default. That’s his m.o. and for some reason he’s gotten away with it.

    The most important part of the debate is not the answers, but the perceptions that are created about the debaters. The image, nay caricature that Obama has been working to on to define Romney came crashing down last night. There’s not enough money that will restore the caricature that will hand Obama the election.

    • yttik says:

      Obama does always win by default. What I can never figure out is why people give him credit for saying such ordinary things, things we would expect nearly everyone to say and believe. It’s like, “I don’t eat puppies,” so we give the guy a Nobel Peace Prize! He has no plan, no idea how to solve problems, doesn’t even say he’s going to try, but people praise him for his brilliant morality and staggering intellect.

      Isn’t he amazing? He doesn’t eat puppies.

      Except apparently, not even that is true.

  14. indigogrrl1 says:

    sooo– some of the FB comments I’m seeing is “he got some terrible news right before he went on and couldn’t shake it”

    they are really really reaching.

    the terrible news was that the debate was still on!

  15. so amazing yesterday was—-and glad to spend the exciting evening with my friends over here!! But here’s a little tidbit of news that got lost in the shuffle yesterday:


  16. gram cracker says:

    Thanks yo’all for your live blogging last night during the debate. Since my son-in-law is a KOS kool-aid addict I have to lie low during the debates. Thanks to you I was able to follow along and get the gist of the drubbing Mitt delivered.

    Sounds like Mitt Eastwooded Obama last night. I’d love to be able to set a broken chair out at the curb but the resident obot might take umbrage to the symbolism. What happened to Obama’s usual nose in the air pose?

  17. catarina says:

    Obama did try to talk about his plans for the future, which largely consist of “Investing in Education.”

    10,000 new teachers won’t solve our economic problems, but the NEA could sure use the dues 10k new members will generate.
    And right back to the Democrats the dues $$ will go.

    The Obots can scream all day long about Romney and Big Bird.
    Obama got his ass kicked and it was about time.

    • This is the one point I wish Romney had pushed back into his face. ‘No matter how much education you have, if you don’t have a job, what good is it?’

      He did slam Obama with the wasted $50 BN on Solyndra-like cos that could have gone to hiring more teachers. Along with the point that 50% of college-educated grads cannot get jobs. But I would have liked to have seen a more direct slap.

  18. yttik says:

    So one diehard Obama supporter is busy “fact checking” everything Romney said in the debate. I told her I completely understand. You can’t very well fact check the President since he never really said anything of substance. It would be nearly impossible to take that pile of gobblygook and try to analyze it.

  19. DM says:

    I don’t know why the debate made me think of this tv skit


  20. gram cracker says:

    John Kerry has to be crying today. He ain’t going to be SOS. Kerry is SOL. So he gets credit for being Obama’s debate partner. Karma is such a bitch. When the emperor surrounds himself with yes women/men no wonder he ends up on stage in his skivvies. After such an ass whoopin Bo better get back over to The View and get some Whoopi lovin.

    And if Fauxcahantas loses to Brown she won’t be able to run in a special election to take Kerry’s seat. Double karma.

    • mcnorman says:

      Oh Kerry is now the Sec of Shit. Stupid on a stick should remember that the all the press clippings are bs. I guess he forgot that part.

    • catarina says:

      I had the pleasure of meeting Scott Brown at a small private fundraiser last night.
      He’s a likeable, genuine guy. Ok, but maybe better looking.
      It warmed my heart to see lifelong Dems hurling checks at him.

      Scott Brown lawn signs are available if anyone would like one *cough*darragh*cough*


      • Ha! my elizabeth warren sign is just fine.

        obama and brown have at least one thing in common: They both got their ASSES kicked in their debates by opponents who are just simply WAY smarter than they are.

        • catarina says:

          I watched both debates, and Brown did pretty well.
          Warren needed to be called out on her bullshit and there sure seems to be plenty of that.

          Hopefully next time Brown will address her representation of her representing Dow against women with breast implant issues.

          Warren did a great job telling the voters how she’ll be a rubber stamp for the Democrats, though.

        • catarina says:

          sorry that was discombobled 🙂

      • gram cracker says:

        Not surprising to hear that his a likable, genuine guy. Brown doesn’t seem to have an “entitlement” mentality attitude. He is not a child of privilege, born to the manor like Kennedy/Kerry or AA like Obama/Warren.

        Scott like Bill Clinton has gotten to where he is by his own initiative. By their own definition Obama/Warren didn’t build their successes, their birthright entitled them to jump the line ahead of hard working people like the Clintons and Brown.

  21. angienc says:

    I read that in fact Obama spoke for 4 minutes more than Romney did– not that facts effect vile progs. And that’s the dumbest ad I’ve ever seen, even if Romney had spoken longer.

    The new meme with the Obots is that Obama lost ON PURPOSE as a wake up call to get them all enthusiastic again. Seriously— these people are *that* stupid.

    Also, all day I’ve been hearing Romney was “aggressive” — no,he was *assertive*– big difference. Some may be saying “aggressive” because they are unaware but most in the MSM are doing it to create a subtle negative feeling about Romney. It’s bullshit.

    • lyn5 says:

      Good catches about the Obot take and on the difference between aggressive and assertive.

    • gram cracker says:

      Yea but Romney spoke more words per minute. Guess Bambi better drop that slow talkin southern preacher drawl and pick up the tempo.

      • angienc says:

        I commented myself yesterday that I thought Romney was speaking too fast — but that wasn’t the point of this idiotic ad & what I was addressing now, i.e., the point of the ad is that he was “going on . . .and on . . . and on trying to pretend that he didn’t allow Obama a chance to speak by taking over the moderator, etc. And that’s bullshit because, in fact, Romney had LESS time to speak than Obama — and after I found that out, I realized why he was speaking fast — he wanted to get in his points before the Obama filibuster.

        • cj says:

          And the fact that Lehrer kept interrupting him & occasionally prompting Barry. I’m not complaining about the moderation, all-in-all it was the fairest I’ve seen, but Romney couldn’t be sure how long it would stay that way.

  22. votermom says:

    For angie 🙂

    • angienc says:

      OMF! Thank you votermom!

      That is most awesome Sununu bon mot yet. 🙂

    • cj says:

      No he didn’t !

      lololololol !!

      • Lulu says:

        It is the frigging truth. Last night was probably the bestest Obama can do. The Republicans are all over the televisions saying Obama doesn’t understand the economy and he isn’t capable of understanding the economy. Sununu just cut to the chase.

  23. DM says:

    I don’t normally care for what Kudlow has to say, but I like his take on the debate with regards to Romney’s ability to work in a bi-partisan way.

  24. gxm17 says:

    I didn’t watch the debates but, as always, the commentary here is priceless. Thanks for doing the hard work (and drinking) for me.

    And congrats to all the Romney supporters. I’m thrilled to hear that your guy did so well. Perhaps the rest of the nation will awake to the fact that Emperor Zero ain’t got nuthin’ on.

  25. gram cracker says:

    Guess I better get off of here and make some comfort food for my son-in-law. He’s going to need it after Bo’s poor performance last night.

    Last month my ribs won 2nd place in his law firms’s annual cook off competition. The Belgian chef/judge from a DC restaurant said he would serve them in his restaurant. Another one of the judges was Reagon’s personal secretary. He has asked for my recipe. I better head out to Sam’s Club and stock up. It’s going to be a bumpy month for the obots around here.

    Thanks again Klown for the refuge from the state-run media and obots that dominate the DC area.

  26. LMAO! My super-liberal California cousin just registered for the JetBlue Election Protection contest to catch a flight out of the country after the election.

    • DM says:

      The obots have every reason to fear the results of the coming election.

      This whole month will go Romney’s way. Obama topped at somewhere between 46 to 48 percent. There have been a few polls that have put him at 50 percent, but I think they were outliers. After Obama, the losers last night were the journolists.

  27. HELENK says:

    off topic

    BREAKING NEWS: FBI team at Benghazi site

    FBI finally got to benghazi consulate murder scene. only took 23 days and the scene was unsecured

  28. carol haka says:

    Gore says Obama suffering from the altitude. If I remember correctly from my days as a flight attendant, we were usually pressurized at 8k feet. I flew out of the mile high city and had no trouble even skiing in the day. Obama spends all of his time on air force one so I call bullshit. He could have jetlag but so what? I’m sure everyone did. 👿 Look, ahh, as I’ve said before and let me be clear, ahh, get used to the notion, ahhh, he’s a loser folks. 👿

    • DM says:

      Obama is an awful debater, and he performed as well as he always does. There’s no excuse. Denver is not high enough to crate big problems. But I agree that a change in altitude affects how one feels. I get very sick, flu like symptoms. My worst experience was taking a three hour flight that went from sea level to a city that’s 11,000 ft above sea level. I was sick in bed for two days. That’s why Romney got there 2 days before. It only goes to show that Romney prepared.

    • carol haka says:

      Per Gateway Pundit: Obama’s newest campaign pledge is he will remain at sea level for the next 4 years. 👿

    • insanelysane says:

      Oh, lol… What I thought when I read that Gore statement was that Obama suffers from thinking he is so high and mighty. Hubris.

      I actually think that’s right!

    • HELENK says:

      since backtrack spends so much time in the air flying all over the place to fund raisers and vacations shouldn’t he be used to altitude??

      • DM says:

        Airplanes are pressurized. That’s not the problem. It’s when one lands, that the pressure one is used to changes. It’s the same as what one experiences with the bends, going deep in the sea (lots of pressure) and coming up too fast. But like I said above, I went from sea level to a city way up in the Andes. Again Denver is not high enough to create the problems Gore is talking about. Going from sea level in CA to Tahoe is not a problem.

        The trick to get over the sickness? Tea from coca leaves. That’s why those countries, like Bolivia fight to keep coca legal. They really use it as medicine.

  29. HELENK says:

    this was said with a straight face

    Obama challenges Romney’s candor in the debate: “If you want to be president, you owe the American people the truth.” http://apne.ws

    • Lulu says:

      What choice do they have? It is either that or lay down in the road to wait to be run over again. Obama can’t cut it so he has to send out his campaign surrogates to do it for him. Pitiful.

  30. HELENK says:

    this made me laugh


    occupy dwindling, can’t fill an intersection in denver on debate night

  31. HELENK says:

    check out new republican ad SMIRK………………OUCH

  32. driguana says:

    So who’s going to fact-check, the fact checkers???….looked at about a dozen of them this morning and if the group doing the fact-checking is funded by progressive money, the facts favored Obama. If the group doing the fact-checking is funded by conservative money, the facts favored Romney. Good grief…what are the facts???? From what I can factually gather, they were both about half-right, half of the time….unbelievable. Of course, it took a bit of research to find out who funds these groups but, fact is, that didn’t take long. The truth is out there……somewhere….

    • yttik says:

      The facts are, Obama did not say anything coherent enough to analyze and fact check.

    • angienc says:

      Obama was supposed to fact check Romney last night — Romney certainly fact checked Obama — to his face, in real time, when he repeated the dishonest talking points of his campaign (“breaks for moving plants overseas” “wants to cut taxes for high incomes & pay for it by raising taxes on middle class” etc).

      Axelrod actually had a conference call with media outlets this a.m. & told them it was *their* job to fact check Romney — besides being bullshit (see above), he used as an example the LIE from the OFA talking points that Romney “said he wanted to fire teachers.” No, he didn’t — Romney said the solution to fixing the economy wasn’t to HIRE MORE public sector workers — that’s dramatically different thing than saying he wanted to FIRE them.

      The idiot Obots crying about why didn’t Obama bring up the 47% — yeah, Obama didn’t bring it up because he knows that the OFA talking points about that is,again,a HUGE LIE & Obama didn’t want to get slammed on it in public by Romney. Obama knows that Romney was NOT “writing off half of the country” and/or saying he “didn’t care” about them — Romney was specifically talking about how divided the electorate is & his political strategy to win the election in the face of that division. Obama could NOT allow Romney to blow the OFA lie about the 47% comment up. As despicable as I find the OFA lie about the 47% comment — especially as it is doing exactly what it accusing Romney of (i.e., “taking things out of context”), it is to Obama’s credit that he was smart enough not to bring it up & expose his lies more than was absolutely necessary. Trust — Obama would have done nothing but talk about his anniversary, how much he “cares” etc & not broached ANYTHING resembling policy if he could have because he knows he has no record & every one of his attacks against Romney is based on lies & distortions — only the Obots are stupid enough to believe them –and he’s got to rely on the swing voters staying uninformed.

    • DM says:

      If Romney is “lying”, is not so much in what he says, but what he doesn’t say. That’s why the fact checkers use Ryan’s tax plan, which is not Romney’s. That’s where the $5 trillion comes from, I think. Romney has not been detailed enough to check his numbers. If I fact checked him, I think I would have an issue with the numbers adding up with regards to the “tax relief for middle class”. I just watched a video at CNBC, and it appears that Romney wants to limit the tax deductions to $17K. That’s the most deductions, someone who makes $200K includes in the tax returns.

      The debates are not about truth, but who comes across as knowing what the hell he/she is talking about. Most of what Romney said is true.

      • yttik says:

        I really appreciate the fact that Romney has not nailed down every little detail about his plans. I think he addressed that really well in the debates. A president has to work across aisle and in cooperation with congress. You shouldn’t walk in there and ram your carefully detailed plan down everybody’s throats, like they only exist to rubber stamp it. If you try to do that, you’ll wind up with Obama gridlock and nothing will ever get done.

        Romney has ideas he wants to implement, but congress gets to negotiate with each other about the details.

    • yttik says:

      This pisses me off and I really don’t care for Lehrer.

      Lehrer did a surprisingly good job, in part because of Romney’s leadership. He tried to coach the President, but you just can’t coach a stuttering clusterfu&k of incompetence.

  33. HELENK says:


    best short description of last night


  34. DeniseVB says:

    Poor widdle Barry, seems debates aren’t his “strong suit” per Axelrod. So why didn’t they prep him better ?


  35. HELENK says:


    hospital stocks fall after the debate.
    I guess they belive that romney will win and kill obamacare

  36. Honora says:

    Why am I listening to NPR’s discussion of the debate. They seem to have listened to a different debate…

    • DandyTiger says:

      Wheeeeeeee, we’re off into crazy land. Time for the men in white jackets to pick those people up and take them to the nice pretty padded rooms.

  37. DandyTiger says:

    So how’s that Bobby Valentine doing over with the Red Sox. Oops, they fired his ass. About time.

  38. tommy says:


  39. HELENK says:


    Sununu and andrea mitchell

    he just shocked the hell out of her


    • angienc says:

      Thank you Helen!!

      I ❤ you!

      Also love him calling MSM out on trying to clean up Obama's mess!! 🙂

      • Lulu says:

        He also called him stupid a la Votermom earlier upthread: Sununu after being asked if Obama w/b better prepared for next debate: “When you’re not that bright you can’t get better prepared”.

        Sununu has the most contempt for Obama. Why Mitchell is acting all butthurt is a mystery because Sununu always talks to her that way. He always ends her interviews laughing and with a whatever.

      • swanspirit says:

        I love Sununu , and since he told Soledad she needed an Obama bumper sticker on her forehead , I just want to hug him !!!

    • DM says:

      10:59AM EST October 2. 2012 – With President Obama holed up in a Nevada resort for debate practice, things can get pretty boring on the White House beat right now.

      Pretty boring for Obama too, apparently.

      “Basically they’re keeping me indoors all the time,” Obama told a supporter on the phone during a visit to a Las Vegas area field office.

      “It’s a drag,” he added. “They’re making me do my homework.”


      • gram cracker says:

        It’s a drag. Is that a reference to choom?

        Did you see the comment?

        Obama got beat down so bad the debate is now considered a hate crime in 5 states.

  40. HELENK says:

    Fox News Dominates Debate Coverage, MSNBC Falls Below CNN http://shar.es/56Pr8

  41. HELENK says:

    iowa hawk

    David Burge ‏@iowahawkblog

    No wonder lefties identify with Big Bird. A 43 year old welfare layabout with imaginary friends.

  42. DM says:

    Very funny.

    Snow White, Superman and Pinocchio are walking along.

    They see a sign: “Contest for World’s Most Beautiful Woman.” Snow White goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing a crown.

    They walk along and see another sign: “Contest for World’s Strongest Man.” Superman goes in, later comes out smiling, wearing the belt.

    They walk along and see a sign: “Contest for World’s Greatest Liar.” Pinocchio goes in, later comes out with his head down crying.

    “Who the hell is Mitt Romney?” Pinocchio sobs.

  43. Lulu says:

    Are the scales falling from the Obama worshipers eyes?

    John Stewart: ” Yeah, I thought he had a very difficult night. I’m concerned that he may not reelect us. He may, he may walk away. … It wasn’t so much his body language, as the mouth-language that he was using, the pauses in-between. You know, I used to think the pauses, he was just trying to think of smaller words for the little brains to figure out what he was saying. This time, I really think the pauses were just, ‘I like food.’…’My children are nice.’ Just different, he just didn’t seem present in the same way.”http://hotair.com/archives/2012/10/04/stewart-er-the-president-isnt-looking-quite-as-brilliant-as-he-used-to/

    Obama was presumed to be looking for little words for the “little” brains to understand when he mumbled and stumbled though life by a snotty Prog like Stewart. No you fool. Obama is a lightweight fake and idiot just like you.

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