I remember when we wanted to make Bush a one-term president too


Morgan Freeman: Tea party is racist

Morgan Freeman says that the Obama presidency has made racism in the U.S. more apparent.

During an interview that airs Friday, CNN’s Piers Morgan asked the actor, “Has Obama helped the process of eradicating racism or has it, in a strange way, made it worse?”

“Made it worse. Made it worse,” Freeman replied. “The tea partiers who are controlling the Republican party … their stated policy, publicly stated, is to do whatever it takes to see to it that Obama only serves one term. What underlines that? Screw the country. We’re going to do whatever we can to get this black man out of here.”

Because there couldn’t possibly be any other reason for people to oppose Obama, right?

I think everybody who opposes Obama should boycott Freeman’s movies. He shouldn’t take money from racists anyway.


Hot Air:

How the hell am I going to watch that penguin documentary now?

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35 Responses to I remember when we wanted to make Bush a one-term president too

  1. crawdad says:

    Didn’t he play a black POTUS before?

  2. Lola-at-Large says:

    Wow, that’s disappointing. Wonder what Bill Cosby thinks…

    • ralphb says:

      Strangely enough, I don’t care what Morgan or Cosby thinks 🙂

      • Bill Cosby is one of the only black entertainers to break with the Black Cultural Paranoia Noise Machine and say, to the black urban community, you know what? Sometimes our problem are self-created and we have the power to change it ourselves. I am absolutely interested in hearing what he has to say in light of that. Does he buy this tea-party-is-racist meme? Course he got so beaten down by the likes of Al Sharpton and other black noisemakers that i’d be surprised if he ever commented on issues facing the black community again.

  3. Jeffhas says:

    Yeah, that’ll be the last time I see one of his movies.

  4. ralphb says:

    Where’s WMCB? This is definitely worth a good rant. Improper payments to dead retirees increased 70 percent in the past five years.

    Dead federal retirees are paid $120 million annually

    The federal government pays out millions of dollars to dead people each year — including deceased retired federal workers, according to a new report.

    In the past five years, the Office of Personnel Management has made more than $601 million in benefits payments to deceased federal annuitants, according to the agency’s inspector general. Total annual payouts range between $100 million and $150 million.

    Shit, this has cost more than Solyndra 🙂

    • myiq2xu says:

      Ironically, they are working harder than before.

      • ralphb says:

        This would be funny if it weren’t our money.

        In one case, a deceased annuitant’s son continued receiving federal benefits until 2008 — 37 years after his father’s death. OPM learned about the improper payments — which exceeded $515,000 — only after the son died. The agency never recovered the money.

  5. catarina says:

    Morgan, Morgan, Morgan..
    How can someone so talented be so fucking stupid?

  6. DeniseVB says:

    From what I remember, it was Team Obama pulling the race card first.

    And how can you be racist if you can’t stand his white half either ? 🙂

  7. yttik says:

    I did everything I could to make Bush a one termer, too. That doesn’t mean I hate white people.

    Kind of weird the way he thinks Obama has made racism “worse, way worse” and yet he blames us for it. A few years ago the country was allegedly so post racial we elected a black guy, but now we’re all so racist, we want him out because he’s black? I thought we wanted him in because he was black? Ouch, I’m starting to get a headache trying to follow this logic.

    • crawdad says:

      Drink the Koolaid and you’ll feel all better.


    • WMCB says:

      Puhleeeeze. I was around in 2003 and 2004, and we were all in a fucking FRENZY to make Bush a one term president.

      Most of the old stuff is scrubbed of the intertoobs now, but one Kerry supporter had a whole page on it:


      • WMCB says:

        As a matter of fact, many of us reluctantly supported Kerry not because we liked him much, but because Job One was getting that fucker Bush out of office. We said it openly and proudly.

        Obama is not being treated any differently than any other failing and unpopular president has been treated. What a bunch of aggrieved whiny asses.

        • ralphb says:

          Ahem I didn’t support Kerry in 2004 nor Bush. Sat that election out because Thurston just didn’t do it for me.

        • WMCB says:

          I liked Wes Clark, but did vote for Kerry. But I did say “some of us”. I know not all did. Wish I had that vote back now – I’d have gone 3rd party.

        • ralphb says:

          I know what you mean. He was a terrible candidate!

  8. TorchWood says:

    Oh dear gods, no! This is a man that taught me how to read on the Electric Company! Oprah and Matt Damon have some more company on my Do Not Watch List. Since I’m black and am totally commited to oust the big zero, does that make me a racist too?

    The thing that gets me about celebrities is that they don’t seem to understand that when they shoot off their mouths especially on politics they’re piissing off and alienating their fans. Y’know, the ones that buy movie tickets and buy the products they endorse. Guess I’ll have an extra $25 since me and the BF ain’t seeing his new fish movie.

    • DandyTiger says:

      Fuck him and the horse he road in on. Sad to see such stupidity. Who knows if he’s just stupid and manipulated or if he really wants to do harm. Like with Matt Damon, you like some actors and then they open their mouths about politics. And even if they’re on your side in general, e.g., liberal, when they go off the deep end like this, you just can’t stomach watching their movies anymore. #facepalm

  9. blip says:

    Blacks aren’t doing future black candidates for high office any good when they play this game of “elect blacks but don’t criticize them once they’re in office or else we’ll call you a racist.” I mean, it doesn’t work that way for anybody else, so why should they get special treatment?

    If I’m a gay soldier and I screw up, do I get to say, “you’re just criticizing me because I’m gay?” Um, no. This line of paranoid thinking and a real seeming lack of ability to take responsibility for one’s mistakes/actions is pretty alarming after all this time. It comes across as whiny and infantile.

    But of course we knew this would happen. If we primary him they’ll say it’s racist, too. I for one don’t care what they think, but It’s playing out just like so many of us said it would. He just has to get kicked out of office at this point. There are so many levels to the b.s. and hypocrisy (homophobia, sexism, fake progressivism) surrounding Obama and company that it’s pathetic.

  10. NewOrleans says:

    Tea Partiers are probably to blame for him cheating on his wife repeatedly – and having a decade long affair with his step-granddaughter.


  11. Three Wickets says:

    @jpodhoretz: If Morgan Freeman is right, and we dislike Obama because of racism, why do we like Morgan Freeman?

    • yttik says:

      Good point!

      I once asked an Obot who was calling people racist if he could name five black political leaders that he liked. He couldn’t name a single one. I swear, Obama was the only black person he’d ever heard of.

    • Dario says:

      I like Samuel Jackson much more than Freeman.

  12. Dario says:

    The Republicans are vocal about what they think and what their goals are. Democrats are more passive aggressive. For example, when Bush was president, the Democrats highlighted every dumb mistake W made to show how stupid he was.

  13. Three Wickets says:

    Also find something unnerving about Piers Morgan the righteous Brit steering a discussion about how to “eradicate racism” in America. Every country I’ve ever lived in has problems with economic and ethnic discrimination and suppression, and that includes the UK. But they all like to point the finger at the US. From what I’ve seen and experienced, Americans have the biggest melting pot and they work at integration…however flawed and frustrating the process, however incomplete and discouraging the result, they keep working at it. That’s not necessarily the case in most other countries.

  14. r u reddy says:

    I understood Freeman to be talking about the Conservative Republicans only, not disappointed O-voters or critics “from the left”.
    If thinly veiled racism wasn’t the driving motivator behind the so called
    “birth certificate controversy”, then what was? … for example.

    If I get the feeling that Freeman is calling me racist as well, then I will
    consider boycotting his movies. But right now I don’t get that feeling.
    Now . . . if someone could forcibly direct his attention to counter-Obama articls in Black Agenda Report and if he called the authors Tea Party racists in balsckface or some such thing, then I would accept that he is calling us all racist. It would be an interesting experiment to perform.

    • r u reddy says:

      ( the ugly way various icons obscure the typing window on this computer I am using is what led to some strange mispellings just above).

    • Three Wickets says:

      What Morgan is doing on CNN Primetime is straight-up electoral season race-baiting. The Progressive protests against Bush were more hateful and raging than the Tea Party protests against Obama so far. Morgan is calling the Tea Party racist for engaging in a participatory democracy. He is calling 50-75 million Americans racist for caring about elections. Morgan Freeman is the racist. I grew up admiring the man.

    • DandyTiger says:

      Strawman much? What do the tea partiers that he’s talking about have to do with the 1% birther idiots? Nothing of course. He’s talking about tea party / conservatives who want Obama to be a one termer. Period. Not anyone who has wild, crazy ideas about Obama. But just people who politically want him out. Exactly like most of us wanted Bush out after one term. He’s saying if you don’t like his politics, you have racist motivations. He’s a racist.

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