Tribal Drum

Kevin Drum at Mother Jones:

The Power of Flat Out Lies

Not to put too fine a point on it, but this is a real problem for liberals. Sure, we cherry-pick evidence, we spin world events, and we impose our worldview when we talk about policy. Everyone does that. But generally speaking, our opinion leaders don’t go on national TV, look straight into the camera, and just outright lie about stuff. Theirs do. And you know, if you’d been told over and over that Obamacare meant getting government permission every time you want to go to the doctor; if you’d been told over and over that the economy is in bad shape because a tidal wave of regulations are strangling American business; and if you’d been told over and over that stimulus spending didn’t create one single job — well, what would you think about Barack Obama’s presidency? Not much, I imagine.

Gee Kevin, I don’t believe any of those things and I still don’t think much of Obama or his presidency.

This made me laugh though:

But generally speaking, our opinion leaders don’t go on national TV, look straight into the camera, and just outright lie about stuff.

Shorter Kevin: “We’re 2% less dishonest!

Being a little bit dishonest is like being a little bit pregnant.

(h/t Reclusive Leftist)

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27 Responses to Tribal Drum

  1. myiq2xu says:

    BTW – Violet Socks is still recovering from surgery and she has lots of medical bills. If you can afford it please go over to Reclusive Leftist and show her some love.

  2. crawdad says:

    “It’s different when we do it”

  3. Three Wickets says:

    Speaking of leftish bloggers, here’s Jonathan Heilemann who has this week’s cover story in New York Magazine “The First Jewish President,” now tweeting after BO’s speech at the UN yesterday..

    @jheil: @mattyglesias one man’s craven political capitulation is another man’s (@jonathanchait’s, apparently) coherent diplomatic strategy!

    Jonathan Heilemann is referring to this subdued take on the UN speech by Obama apologist Jonathan Chait who just moved to New York Magazine from the New Republic after publishing that epic piece in the NYTimes a couple of weeks ago titled, “What the Left Doesn’t Understand About Obama.” Anyhoo, the boys are squabbling in New York.

  4. Mary says:

    Axelrod and Plouffe never visit Meet the Press, look in the camera , and spin/lie, spin/lie, spin/lie????

    Good grief. Kevin Drum thinks his readers are stupid.

    That’s pretty insulting, if ya ask me.

  5. You know what I thought as I read this article earlier? Way to build a straw man, Drum. Because insurance companies have NEVER been known to refuse services or delay approval. NEVER.

    If you think they will do it more once the whole country is captive, honk.

  6. fif says:

    Yea, Obama has never looked straight in the camera and lied.

    Only when his lips are moving.

  7. yttik says:

    “..if you’d been told over and over that the economy is in bad shape because a tidal wave of regulations are strangling American business..”

    Nobody has told me this because I witness it myself every single day. My entire (unpaid) job revolves around keeping us in compliance with all the government regulations and trying to budget money to pay all our taxes and fees.

    • WMCB says:

      Pffffffffft!!!!! Yttik, there is no way in hell you came up with that opinion all by your little lonesome. You just don’t realize you’ve been deceived, see, because you are not one of the creative class.

      50% of the country has no brains – they just sit around mindlessly absorbing whatever talk radio tells them, then stumbling and shuffling like zombies out into the streets moaning “Oooone teeeerm preeeesideeent…”

      So no matter how many times you explain your logic, and how you thought about it, and observed, and reached your own personal conclusion, the truth will always be that you are too stupid to even realize how deceived you are, poor dear..

      See how that works? People who disagree with Obama or the Democrats cannot be merely wrong, they have to be stupid and incapable of independent thought.

  8. yttik says:

    “if you’d been told over and over that Obamacare meant getting government permission every time you want to go to the doctor; ”

    I’m not worried about that one at all because I’m now completely uninsured! I won’t be going to the doctor at all. Go Obamacare!

  9. Uppity Woman says:

    Oh I’m lovin’ Obamacare. My rates went up a total of 52 percent in 14 months. Yay! I can’t afford 4 digits a month plus copays, so now I’m uninsured too. Gee, I hope the person I helped get insurance with my premiums deserves it more than I do, ya know?

    I’m so excited that Obamcare helped me by pricing me right out of the single pay market! Now I don’t have to be afraid of doctors anymore now that I don’t have one. How cool is that? I did find a way to cut down on being sick though. I turn the TV off whenever his face shows up.

    The f*cker. I hope he goes down in flames before lobsters become extinct. And that his wife gets the gout from eating it day and night. Of course, they will get to keep their healthcare complments of all the people that had to drop insurance thanks to them.

    • Three Wickets says:

      But he said everyone’s premiums would go down. He promised, in speeches and on the White House website.

    • Jadzia says:

      I emigrated to France after becoming uninsured. We’ve been here since July and after I give birth in November, the plane tickets will have paid for themselves. Pretty f*cking depressing, even though the cheese is glorious.

  10. 1539days says:

    Speaking of opinion makers

    20/20 will be airing a segment on Youtube, including the people who brought us Obama Girl.

  11. ralphb says:

    Economist/YouGov poll has Obama approval at 36%

    Dare we hope for the 20s?

  12. ralphb says:

    As disappointment with Perry mounts, so does the pining for ChristieRyanDanielsRubio to enter the GOP race 🙂 It’s palpable among the DC establishment.

  13. OT: Was it something I said? (Posts going to moderation on the Somerby thread without even any links.)

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