I feel so much safer now

Jake Tapper:

The Terrorist Notches on Obama’s Belt

The list of senior terrorists killed during the Obama presidency is fairly extensive.

There’s Osama bin Laden, of course, killed in May.

Al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula (AQAP) leader Anwar al-Awlaki as of today.

Earlier this month officials confirmed that al Qaeda’s chief of Pakistan operations, Abu Hafs al-Shahri, was killed in Waziristan, Pakistan.

In August, ‘Atiyah ‘Abd al-Rahman, the deputy leader of al Qaeda was killed.

In June, one of the group’s most dangerous commanders, Ilyas Kashmiri, was killed in Pakistan. In Yemen that same month, AQAP senior operatives Ammar al-Wa’ili, Abu Ali al-Harithi, and Ali Saleh Farhan were killed. In Somalia, Al-Qa’ida in East Africa (AQEA) senior leader Harun Fazul was killed.

Administration officials also herald the recent U.S./Pakistani joint arrest of Younis al-Mauritani in Quetta.

Going back to August 2009, Tehrik e-Taliban Pakistan leader Baitullah Mahsud was killed in Pakistan.

In September of that month, Jemayah Islamiya operational planner Noordin Muhammad Top was killed in Indonesia, and AQEA planner Saleh Ali Saleh Nabhan was killed in Somalia.

Then in December 2009 in Pakistan, al Qaeda operational commanders Saleh al-Somali and ‘Abdallah Sa’id were killed.

In February 2010, in Pakistan, Taliban deputy and military commander Abdul Ghani Beradar was captured; Haqqani network commander Muhammad Haqqani was killed; and Lashkar-e Jhangvi leader Qari Zafar was killed.

In March 2010, al Qaeda operative Hussein al-Yemeni was killed in Pakistan, while senior Jemayah Islamiya operative Dulmatin – accused of being the mastermind behind the 2002 Bali bombings – was killed during a raid in Indonesia.

In April 2010, al Qaeda in Iraq leaders Abu Ayyub al-Masri and Abu Omar al-Baghdadi were killed.

In May, al Qaeda’s number three commander, Sheik Saeed al-Masri was killed.

In June 2010 in Pakistan, al Qaeda commander Hamza al-Jawfi was killed.

The Obama Body Count grows larger every day. But Jake left out a few. What about all the women and children that were “collateral damage” to the deaths listed above? What about the innocent lives that were taken when we blew up the wrong houses?

Just out of curiosity, are we running out of terrorists yet?

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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23 Responses to I feel so much safer now

  1. myiq2xu says:

    Just out of curiosity, are we running out of terrorists yet?

    For some strange reason there always seems to be a steady supply of new recruits.

    • ralphb says:

      We just created two new martyrs to their cause. This is the biggest recruiting bonanza they could have hoped for I imagine.

    • DandyTiger says:

      Especially if you can define the term anyway you want. Like, say, anyone who opposes you politically. Maybe we’ll call it being a racist, and have some drones target you for it.

  2. votermom says:

    Biden was happy to call the Tea Party terrorists just last month.

    Watch out, Tea Partiers who are cheering that Alwacky was whacked!

  3. Dario says:

    Kill one and another replaces them because the reasons for the existence of the groups is not being addressed. It happened with Christianity, the more “martyrs” that were killed, the stronger the the group got.

  4. yttik says:

    “Just out of curiosity, are we running out of terrorists yet?”

    Nope, there’s an endless supply during campaign season.

  5. Dario says:

    O/T Halloween trendy costumes slide show — mostly for women

  6. Dario says:

    If Obama is not shitting his pants, he’s got no shit left

    Connecticut a Toss Up State?
    A new Public Policy Polling survey in Connecticut finds President Obama barely leading Mitt Romney in a general election match up, 47% to 45%.

  7. propertius says:

    He ought to be impeached and removed from office.

  8. yttik says:

    Something else that upsets me about this, when the shit hits the fan and the people demand accountability, it won’t be the President and the DOD, SOS, or DOJ taking the fall for it. Fat cats who order torture, detainment without charges, or executions, never pay the price. A “few bad apples” do. Those on the ground do. We always throw the people their pound of flesh and it’s always going to be the lowest man on the totem pole. There are people in prison right now for following orders, for carrying out US policy under the Bush regime.

    • Monster from the Id says:

      Yttik, really? You think the Imperial Elite should be held accountable for their crimes, just as if they were lowly scummy unwashed vile r@c!$t bitter knitter peasants like us?

      What do you think the Founders meant this country to be, a republic? 😛

  9. pompmommjr says:

    read glenn greenwald today on the fbi and the terrorists it creates in order to bust them.

  10. Three Wickets says:

    What should our national policy be with regard to al-Qaeda? Beyond the politics. Continue to assassinate, ignore, disengage, bring them all to trial, forgive and forget, apologize. Which of these. Personally, I have zero interest in feeling sorry for al-Qaeda the group itself.

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