And the award goes to – Buffoon Juice

Actual graphic at Balloon Juice

To “Dennis G” for Most Egregious Unintentional Satire:

The Modern Negrophobists reaction to the President’s speech…

This cartoon from 1862 could run in the papers tomorrow as an example of the typical Republican/Wingnut reaction to President Obama’s speech (it would also cover the reaction of more than a few firebaggers as well). This has been the reaction to everything President Obama has done so far, so I see no reason why it would stop tonight.


As if the Republicans never treated any white Democratic presidents the same way.

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24 Responses to And the award goes to – Buffoon Juice

  1. Ivan Ivanovich Renko says:

    Yes, I remember the pictures of Carter with the bone in his nose.

    I remember the little monkey with the Clinton sticker on it.

    I remember Bill’s mother and father being portrayed as chimps.

    I remember the entire Republican leadership coming out and saying that their number one priority was to make Clinton a one-term president.

    I remember the “socialist communist Clinton.” I remember how Jimmy Bill Clinton and Jimmy Carter and Lyndon Johnson and John Kennedy all had to show their birth certificates. In fact, I can remember specifically when Bill asked the state of Arkansas for an exemption so that he could publish his long-form birth certificate– oh, what a time that was!

    What? Whazzat? You don’t remember those things? Damn.

    Me neither.

    • myiq2xu says:

      I remember Bill Clinton being accused or murder, rape and drug dealing.

    • votermom says:

      It’s ok that you don’t remember what the Clintons went through, as you were probably still in diapers then.
      Oh wait, you probably still are.

    • WMCB says:

      Meh. You are either very young, or have a defective memory. I well remember the socialist communist Clinton, and especially the socialist communist Hillary. Get back to me when Hollywood makes a much-lauded film about Obama’s assassination. Get back to me when Biden is referred to as “Darth”, and Obama as “Chimpy McFlightsuit” (terms I myself regularly used with glee.) Bush was actually portrayed as a chimp a lot more often than Obama has been. Did you see no political cartoons for the past decade?

      Get back to me when we see Michelle Obama Nutcrackers sold in airports. Get back to me when Michelle is publicly accused of lesbian affairs and murdering her lover.

      Get back to me when Obama is impeached. Get back to me when his admittedly ridiculous family, like his aunt and uncle, are held up for ridicule as boneheaded uneducated neanderthals, as Carter’s brother Billy was. Get back to me when his Mr. Rogers sweaters and soft voice are mocked. Okay, Obama gets mocked for Mom jeans, so that’s basically a wash.

      You’re full of shit. Every president in my lifetime has been denigrated and lampooned. R and D, no exceptions.

    • myiq2xu says:

      Doug J at Balloon Juice on October 21, 20120:

      Juan Williams’ firing did not happen in a vacuum. It happened in the context of him having been the official Fox News lawn jockey stooge for years.

      (the “lawn jockey” part was in the original then lined out and “stooge” added)

      • DandyTiger says:

        I’ve never seen as much racists shit in my life as I’ve seen from the creative class. And I grew up in VA.

    • Dario says:

      Yes, I remember the pictures of Carter with the bone in his nose.

      I remember the little monkey with the Clinton sticker on it.

      I remember Bill’s mother and father being portrayed as chimps.

      I remember the entire Republican leadership coming out and saying that their number one priority was to make Clinton a one-term president.

      I see. You must be an obot.

    • Karma says:

      Well then, let’s discuss the four wars that Obama has started. Clinton was given hell for anything dealing with the military. Four more wars under Clinton and the MSM and Reps heads would have exploded on live tv.

      And get back to me when the Reps claim Obama isn’t the legitimate president BEFORE he took office. Oh wait….you can’t because that never happened to Obama.

      And get back to me when Michelle gets hell for being as educated as her husband. Oh wait that never happened either. She was praised, while Hillary has been taking it for decades that she was educated and would use her skills.

      You Obots are so stupid. By claiming the only opposition to Obama racial….is to steal the office of the presidency right out from under him. By insisting it isn’t his job title that attracts the ire, his policies, or the adversarial nature of politics, you are the ones who are diminishing Obama as a man. Not his critics.

      Even worse, your abuse of that term lessens the effectiveness for real victims of racism. Have you fools even thought about that? Do you even care?

  2. Ivan Ivanovich Renko says:

    My first presidential vote was for Jimmy Carter. My second was against Ronaldus Magnus.

    OF course, I wouldn’t expect anyone here to recognize the inherent racism in the confederate party’s attitude toward this president– I dare say it looks too much like the mirror to you.

    • myiq2xu says:

      Trolls only get three strikes, so the next thing you say better be some brilliant Mark Twain shit.

      • DandyTiger says:

        Funny how the only people to see racism in everything are the rich white people of the creative class who pushed for Obama out of guilt. I think there’s an obvious reason they see racism in everything. They’re racists.

        • myiq2xu says:

          True story

          They are also classists – they despise the working class, especially the white working class.

        • Dario says:

          The blacks get it. It’s the white obots that don’t want to admit that they’ve been had.

          Having invested so much in the Obama persona – and endlessly reaffirmed that commitment in countless settings with fellow African Americans – it is inevitable that Black folks undergo the harshest “withdrawal” experience imaginable. — Glenn Ford, Black Agenda

        • votermom says:

          At some point, people who have been bamboozled in the past finally realize on their own when they have been bamboozled again.
          It’s the first-timers who are hardest to wake up.

  3. soupcity says:

    Wow, clicked over there and read some comments. Someone remind me not to do that again.

  4. Ivan Ivanovich Renko says:

    Ban me, asshole.

  5. Wow! I read the whole thing and failed to even see the sarcasm till the end. I kept waiting for the punch line and it never came. I am still trying to remember the media gushing over Clinton. Or at least over Peace and Prosperity. Or, let’s remember the way Chelsea was treated.

  6. Pingback: » Saturday Night Card Game (The “Negrophobia” card is played) - Le·gal In·sur·rec·tion

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