Tony Soprano for President!

Christie Team Assessing How Fast a 2012 Campaign Could Be Mounted

Chris Christie’s political advisers are working to determine whether they could move fast enough to set up effective political operations in Iowa and New Hampshire in the wake of a relentless courtship aimed at persuading Mr. Christie, the governor of New Jersey, to plunge into the race for the Republican presidential nomination, according to operatives briefed on the preparations.

Mr. Christie has not yet decided whether to run and has not authorized the start of a full-fledged campaign operation. But with the governor now seriously considering getting in, his strategists — many of them veterans of Rudolph W. Giuliani’s 2008 campaign — are internally assessing the financial and logistical challenges of mounting a race with less than 100 days until voting is likely to begin.


The high-level advisers also said the flurry of political activity around Mr. Christie includes unsolicited strategic advice and offers of help from potential donors and consultants who are eager to see him run but are not part of the governor’s inner circle. Friends say that only Mr. Christie can decide what is right for him.


Those pushing Mr. Christie to run include the media mogul Rupert Murdoch, former Secretary of State Henry A. Kissinger, Nancy Reagan and the conservative columnist William Kristol.

If the odds of a campaign were very low just weeks ago, they are increasing.

Either this has been planned for a long time and Christie has been lying through his teeth, or the GOP establishment has lost faith in Mitt Romney.

OTOH – hiring Rudy Ghouliani’s campaign brain trust is like hiring Saddam Hussein’s generals to fight a war.

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30 Responses to Tony Soprano for President!

  1. ralphb says:

    This is just flaky. It seems the GOP establishment is afraid that maybe Romney might get knocked off by Cain or Palin in the primaries. I don’t think it’s general election worries since Romney is polling better against Obama than anyone else.

    Seems a vote of no confidence against the entire GOP field.

  2. myiq2xu says:

    Daily Beast:

    This is how the political prognostication class gets their kicks—they build a lofty tower for their candidate du jour and then remove brick after brick after brick.

    • ralphb says:

      comment at weazel zippers … welcome to Christie…

      Christie’s fat RINO ass needs to STFU and go back to governing New Jersey.

      He already looks like a total LOSER with all of this “wellllll maybe” BS.

      No way I’m gonna get behind his Sharia denying, AGW pushing, Bloomberg kissing ass, and for more than just the obvious reason.

      • DeniseVB says:

        The “Ladies” on The View discussed Christie’s fatness makes him less worthy of Obama. And Whoopi was silent 🙂

        I like Christie, but this stealth recruiting begging him to run….is it the media, the left, the right, fear of Sarah jumping in ?

        • ralphb says:

          I believe you could say “sleazy billionaire power brokers” and not be too far off. They people who would have the most to lose from a Palin presidency.

  3. votermom says:

    Cain’s communications director just resigned. For no particular reason, accdg to her.

    Herman Cain communications director resigns

  4. WMCB says:

    There is some odd stuff going on in the GOP – more so than the usual primary backstabbing. You know FL and others are now moving their primaries up.

    I think the establishment is panicked that the voters are going to go rogue – whether with Palin or Cain or whoever. The cocktail R’s are trying to reassert control over who gets to be the nominee without looking like that’s what they are doing.

    • ralphb says:

      Looks like you are correct.

      Yet the Florida GOP’s attempt to repeat that rigged process — which produced a Republican nominee who didn’t get a majority of Republican votes — is claimed by Cannon as proof that 2012 won’t be a “calamity”!

      Once Tea Party activists figure out what the Florida GOP bosses are up to, I guarantee you there will be hell to pay.

      What Florida Hath Wrought: Will Christmas Be in Iowa or New Hampshire?

      • WMCB says:

        The populist teapartiers have actually been the ones bending over backwards to NOT tear their party apart, but reform it. They have repeatedly been willing to vote for squishes if that’s the best they could do. It’s been the establishment types that take their ball and money and go home if they don’t like who the people chose, or try to force THEIR choice on the people. (Sound familiar? DNC 2008 anyone?)

        But if the establishment GOP thinks they won’t tear the party apart, if they are stupid enough to back them up against a wall, they have another think coming. They will. They will either primary every fuck in that party outta there, or will go third party.

        Liberals will cry and moan and protest, but vote for the Dems anyway. The teapartiers will take their shit and WALK. They might not do it this year, because they want Obama out too badly. But the GOP is doomed if they try to assert top down control on these people.

        The real warfare of “the haves and the have nots” in this country is shaping up to be not over money, but over control. Who gets to choose, in either party? The people? Or the party cronies? Do we get representative govt or not? Do the people get to choose even if you think their choice is wrong?

        • ralphb says:

          It’s all part of the same fight to get The Powers That Be out of there. They are gonna hang on to their power and priviledge with everything available. It’s gonna be a hard slog but I think it’s worth it.

        • WMCB says:

          Ralph, it’s why I said that even conservatives should have railed against what happened with Hillary.

          Both party machines need to go. They’re unhealthy. That’s why I cheer on the teapartiers even when I disagree. They have the right to have their party, and who represents them, be what THEY choose. Just like we did.

        • ralphb says:

          I’m not going to argue with that. Democracy depends on getting these asshats out of the way/

        • crawdad says:

          Check out our header

        • votermom says:

          LOLOLOL. Love the new header!

        • Three Wickets says:

          Oh, we did lose the alligator swamp. Thought it was just the meds kicking in. 🙂

        • DandyTiger says:

          Love the new header. Honk!

    • DeniseVB says:

      I think it has more to do with Palin and the GOP truely fears her. Just finished her second book, America by Heart….she sets up her plan there 😉

    • votermom says:

      They are trying to ensure a Mitt victory.

  5. catarina says:

    At a glance I thought the link above said, “Christie team assessing how fat . . .

    Run, Sarah, run. Please!

  6. yttik says:

    I can’t believe some people are arguing, “no to another moron from Texas!”….I know, let’s get somebody from New Jersey instead! Are you serious?! The land where rabbis and politicians put a new twist on crony capitalism by stealing human organs?? That New Jersey?

    ai yi yi.

  7. Mimi says:

    One of the fears of the Republican powers that be is that their primary is going to be overrun. With a history of ignoring their own voters in choosing a nominee and Obama unchallenged for the nomination in 2012, they are the only game in town. Democrats and Independents (ex and otherwise) potentially will have an outsize impact. Republican purists and Rovians have probably figured this out and want less choice and to discourage Dems and Indys without going too far and loosing the general election.

  8. Curiouser and curiouser – the past few days I keep running into weird little questionnaires on the web- most asking something to the effect of “Should Romney (or Perry or x, y,z) be the Republican nominee or can we do better?”
    Seems they ARE running scared. But of whom?

    • Three Wickets says:

      Think the establishment (on both sides) is afraid of uncertainty. They are losing control of their respective scripts. No one so far in the field including Obama looks capable of bringing the country together. One thing however is very certain: the economic divide between the haves and have-nots will be even wider by next fall, maybe much wider.

  9. foxyladi14 says:

    Love the new header! 🙂

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