
Mark Levin:

The former Alaska Governor and VP candidate sent the following letter to her supporters on Wednesday:

October 5, 2011
Wasilla, Alaska

After much prayer and serious consideration, I have decided that I will not be seeking the 2012 GOP nomination for President of the United States. As always, my family comes first and obviously Todd and I put great consideration into family life before making this decision. When we serve, we devote ourselves to God, family and country. My decision maintains this order.

My decision is based upon a review of what common sense Conservatives and Independents have accomplished, especially over the last year. I believe that at this time I can be more effective in a decisive role to help elect other true public servants to office – from the nation’s governors to Congressional seats and the Presidency. We need to continue to actively and aggressively help those who will stop the “fundamental transformation” of our nation and instead seek the restoration of our greatness, our goodness and our constitutional republic based on the rule of law.

From the bottom of my heart I thank those who have supported me and defended my record throughout the years, and encouraged me to run for President. Know that by working together we can bring this country back – and as I’ve always said, one doesn’t need a title to help do it.

I will continue driving the discussion for freedom and free markets, including in the race for President where our candidates must embrace immediate action toward energy independence through domestic resource developments of conventional energy sources, along with renewables. We must reduce tax burdens and onerous regulations that kill American industry, and our candidates must always push to minimize government to strengthen the economy and allow the private sector to create jobs.

Those will be our priorities so Americans can be confident that a smaller, smarter government that is truly of the people, by the people, and for the people can better serve this most exceptional nation.

In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the House.

Thank you again for all your support. Let’s unite to restore this country!

God bless America.

– Sarah Palin

Shit. I’m getting drunk.

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78 Responses to Nope

  1. myiq2xu says:

    I can’t blame her but I am disappointed.

    • DandyTiger says:

      Same here. It would have been great to see an outsider take on the R party machine. You usually can’t beat the party machine, so it wouldn’t have been fun I’m sure. And they really want their Obama/Romney (same thing).

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Thanks for the “therapy” thread. She’ll be on Greta tonight, maybe G will talk her out of it 😛

  3. myiq2xu says:

    Hot Air:

    Perry issues a brief statement: “Sarah Palin is a good friend, a great American and a true patriot. I respect her decision and know she will continue to be a strong voice for conservative values and needed change in Washington.”

  4. WMCB says:

    From an althouse commenter, who isn’t even a Palin fan:

    So the smear machine works again?

    Or did she just not have the goods?

    I tend to the latter view, but the smears were so ugly and pervasive that you never can tell.

    One thing I owe to Sarah Palin is final and irrevocable loss of faith in the mainstream American press.


    • Monster from the Id says:

      I lost faith in the USAmerican Corporate Media back in the 1990s, when the so-called “mainstream” media gleefully aided and abetted the VRWC’s witchhunt against the Clintons and their people. I then realized that the “liberal” media was actually just the merely-conservative propaganda media, as distinct from openly reactionary propaganda media such as Faux Noise and Rash Limpbough.

  5. Monster from the Id says:

    I posted my foil-hatty thoughts on the subject on the previous thread.

  6. WMCB says:

    Crap. What a bad day. News just announcing that Steve Jobs has died.

      • Dario says:

        votermom, Palin will influence politics in ways that she couldn’t if she had ran. It’s not her time, but she will run in the future. I don’t doubt that. Her enemies are many and she’ll need to confront them in a way that she couldn’t if she had ran. It’s disappointing, but I know it’s a good decision right now.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Turned to FNC, O’Reilly bloviating on old news while the scroll is updating the news of the day. What a prick. Would love some live love right now 😦

  7. DeniseVB says:

    Steve Jobs died. Breaking on FNC. Sh*tty news day continues 😦

  8. bevwky says:

    I don’t know, I’m still digesting the news. On the one hand, it was like a knife to the chest at first. On the other, it was half-way expected and probably the saner choice right now at least. And months ago I think I realized that the one thing that would actually be worse than her actually running for the “permanent political class” as she calls it would be if she didn’t run.

    Kind of falls under really, really being careful what they wish for because they just might get it. And then some. A monster of their own creation and all that jazz.

    Oh, and in that vein, Hillbuzz’s Kevin has put out an interesting warning:

      • bevwky says:

        Actually, not exactly. It all depends upon one major factor – just how much she means it when she says that one doesn’t have to have a title to make a difference.

        Put it this way, imagine that the GOP candidate does manage to defeat Obama. Would you want to be President with Palin wandering around the country making a difference? o.O

        Or would you rather she was in your cabinet, nice and contained? And that’s the ones she supposedly agrees with…

        • ralphb says:

          Like he said, 2008 redux. Hillary is Secretary of State not outside the tent.

        • yttik says:

          Hillary and Palin have different philosophies, different approaches to solving problems. Hillary has always worked for the common good, the good of her party. Palin is much more of an independent, a rogue.

          The last time somebody tried to tuck Palin into a political appointment it was the oil and gas commission and it resulted in some people going to prison. She’s not going to silenced and she has never had the same kind of loyalty to Republicans that Hillary has towards Democrats.

        • bevwky says:

          Agree, ralphb, but that’s kinda my point. Sarah isn’t Hillary and it definitely remains to be seen whether she would accept a cabinet position after all this.

          Not saying she wouldn’t. Depends which one. Just that it’s going to be interesting how it all plays out.

      • bevwky says:

        Heh, great minds, yttik.

  9. yttik says:

    That’s bittersweet. I’ve always been concerned that Palin has too damn much integrity to run for president. I guess I was right.

    On the bright side, you don’t need a title to be a leader. Most of this country’s most memorable leaders never held public office at all. In fact, for a couple hundred years, women not only couldn’t run for office, we couldn’t even vote. That never stopped people like Sojourner Truth or Susan B Anthony. Sometime being a rogue and a rabble rouser is far more effective way to bring about change than holding public office.

  10. HELENK says:

    this breaks my heart. But I can understand it. The sound and fury that would be directed at her by backtrack and bunch and some dumbass republicans would overwhelm the message that must be gotten out. The country is in trouble and much of that can be layed at backtrack and bunch”s doorstep.
    She still and will call out on his BS and still be a voice for the people

  11. myiq2xu says:

    Lonely Conservative:

    Nicole Wallace must be so disappointed.

    Her book sales just obamaed

  12. myiq2xu says:


    Sarah Palin says she’s not running for President in 2012.

    Let’s just hope she means it.

    • Jeffhas says:

      F*ck her….and I don’t mean that in an aggressive man dominates woman type of way (which, just the thought of with regard to Jeralyn, makes me ill).

    • Dario says:

      Jeralyn recognizes that Palin is powerful. I have no problem with that.

    • Let’s just hope she means it.
      By which she means, if she doesn’t the Dems are toast. Though she’d never admit that.

    • Michael Teuber says:

      One of the nice things about Sarah is, when she says she intends to do a thing she means it. Tragic in this context, but one of the charms of her character.

  13. yttik says:

    “In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies to assist in
    replacing the President, re-taking the Senate, and maintaining the

    In the coming weeks without the burden of campaigning and fundraising, I will be focusing all my attention and energy on replacing the President and retaking the senate.

    Obama is probably crapping his pants.

    • bevwky says:

      Okay, is it just me or does that-

      “In the coming weeks I will help coordinate strategies”

      -sound odd to anyone else? Out of everything she said, that was the one line that jumped out as me as being a What?!? Or rather Who?!? As in who are we talking about?

      The GOP? Right.

      Well, they’ve gotten their cheerleader but they have minimal to no control over her. Like I’ve said before, this could be even more interesting than if she ran.

      • ralphb says:

        Could be a soft landing for supporters. Let’s face it, you can only do so much from the sidelines.

        • Dario says:

          I don’t believe that to be true. There are things that can be done from the sidelines that cannot be done if the politician is running. The opposite is also true. Remember Palin’s political life was pronounced dead when she quit the governorship in AK.

          I’m not giving up on Palin.

    • Monster from the Id says:

      Actually, I expect Obummer is happy that the GOPer with the best chance of beating him has chosen not to run.

  14. Lola-at-Large says:

    Obama will likely win. Prepare yourselves.

    • Dario says:

      I don’t believe that. The economy will worsen by December, and really deteriorate in 2012. Not that it’s something I want, but it’s just how it is. It’s the result of having an empty suit in the WH.

  15. ralphb says:

    Damn, this is like getting punched in the face two elections in a row. But my heart really goes out to all those at O4P, C4P, and all the other Palin blogs who’ve put so much hope and time into her potential candidacy for the past years.

    I sincerely hope their blog homes stay open and they hold to one another while the storm passes. The Confluence made it much easier for me in 2008 and I can’t thank RiverDaughter, katiebird, and myiq enough for that. Just in case I haven’t said it before, thank you. I am very grateful.

  16. Three Wickets says:

    So no more women with any real shot at the Presidency. They’ve all been shut down. I blame Progressive men. Fuck em. I will not forget.

    • Dario says:

      1863 Emancipation Proclamation
      1913 Women get the vote

      I hope it doesn’t take 50 years until a woman becomes president. It’s up to the women of this country to change the status quo. I really believe that because there are enough men who will join the women to elect the first woman president.

  17. Phoneybaloney says:

    I’m disappointed, too. However, it might be a smart move on her part. My impression has been that, while keeping in the public eye, she’s developing a network of media surrogates (fundraisers, people she’s helped elect, etc.) who, in response for her efforts on their behalf, can be deployed in place of just herself to advocate formally and behind the scenes on behalf of herself and her views. It’s not surrender…it’s a strategic move that’s good for her and her family. She sees herself as either a candidate or major back-scene player.

    • Dario says:

      Palin is going to be very influential in 2012. She’s going to be the king maker, and may very well be the V.P. again.

      I’m not giving up on Palin.

  18. lurker says:

    Just a thought
    Could this be the end of the Establishment parties?

    – The establishment GOP gets in power.
    – Does not fix anything.
    – She runs indy in 2016.
    – She helps GOP, Obama still wins.
    – GOP majority in house & senate.
    – They still go along and give Obama everything he wants.Nothing improves.

    At that point people will be ready for third party, a true centrist party.

    The Undefeated emphasised her working with democrats and her moderate governing.


    • ralphb says:

      Both parties, or should I say the one real party, are beyond saving. They both need to be burned down and we need a fresh start. The problem is we need it now, not in 2016, though it’s not gonna happen.

      • lurker says:

        True. Would she be successful running third party this time?
        GOP would blame her for a loss.

        On the other hand, even if she won the presidency as the GOP nominee this cycle, congress will still be controlled by the establishment.
        But, if she starts 3rd party in 2014 elections?

        • WMCB says:

          She said on the Levin show that she will not run third party this year, because it will guarantee Obama a second term. Note that she did not say she just loooooved the GOP and would never ever go third party. Just that doing it now would be really stupid.

          If she tries to form a 3rd party, it will be after the 2012 election.

  19. Monster from the Id says:

    “Shit. I’m getting drunk.”

    And this differs from other nights how? 😛

  20. DeniseVB says:

    Just got the SarahPac letter, I guess it’s official 😦 I’m on the mailing list because I first donated to her legal fund, which was shut down and they returned my check, but I signed it back over to SarahPac.

  21. Dario says:

    I think Sarah Palin is going to sue at least one writer, and that’s part of why she didn’t run. We’ll see.

  22. Phoneybaloney says:

    Dario–I agree. I don’t think we’ve heard the last of her yet. She may try to play the kingmaker role? She might benefit Romney, if she chooses to do so, by appealing to the rank and file. I think that she can also do that for Perry and Cain, but I can’t quite pinpoint how just yet.

    Still, a sad night given Palin & Jobs.

    • Dario says:

      The death of Jobs is really sad. He was the Zen master of the gadgets. The designs and the way they work are truly Zen.

    • Dario says:

      Palin may not support a candidate before the nomination. I think she’ll concentrate on candidates for congress and after the nomination she’ll give her full support to the Republican nominee to see the doors of the WH hit Obama’s ass. I don’t believe she likes Romney, so she might work behind the scenes to see someone else be the nominee.

  23. Phoneybaloney says:

    Dario–my comment was meant to refer to my earlier comment to which you replied. Sorry if there’s any confusion! I’m still a newbie at this commenting stuff!

  24. Dario says:

    Today was a good day for Palin to announce that she won’t run for president. The death of Steve Jobs will take the media time and the PDS won’t be as noticeable. It’s the upside I see.

  25. HELENK says:

    two things were made public today that will get overlooked because of the death of Steve Jobs ( a great loss to the world) and Sarah saying she will not run( a great loss to the USA).,
    hidden in obamacare,government access to all citizens medical information, the loss of doctor/ patient confidentiality. And in the so-called jobs bill a 2nd bailout for GM under the guise of a tax but it is only on the people that paid back the tarp money or those who did not take any of it

  26. Pingback: Shucks

  27. Tom65 says:

    Ever get the feeling you’ve been cheated?

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