Unionized goons attack Occupy Boston

That would be the police union:

Boston police move in on protesters on Greenway, scores arrested

Boston police moved in and began arresting scores of Occupy Boston protesters who refused to leave a large part of the Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway early this morning.

At 1:20 a.m., the first riot police officers lined up on Atlantic Avenue. Minutes later, dozens of sheriff vans and police wagons arrived and over 200 officers in uniforms and riot gear surrounded the Greenway.

Police Superintendent William Evans and Commissioner Edward F. Davis watched from across the street. Evans gave the crowd two minutes to disperse from the park, warning that they would be locked up if they did not comply.

The crowd of protesters, energized by the sudden appearance of the Boston and Transit police officers, chanted, ‘‘The people united will never be defeated,’’ “This is a peaceful protest,” and “the whole world is watching.’’

About 10 minutes later, the first officers entered the park and surrounded the group. Evans, using a loudspeaker, gave one more warning and then each protester was individually put on his or her stomach, cable-tied, and dragged off as others tore down tents and arrested and detained people on the fringe of the park.

About 100 people were arrested, Davis said. One police officer was hit in the face.

According to police, no protesters or police were injured.

Washington Times:

In the early morning hours on Tuesday, Boston, Seattle, Dallas, St. Louis, and Atlanta police departments reportedly moved in on “Occupy” demonstrator camps. Twitter has been lit up with various accounts of police confrontations in these cities.

There is a reason these things take place during the early morning hours. That’s because in each place, overnight camping is prohibited. Over the weekend Sacramento and San Francisco took similar actions.

My question is what is the point of the overnight camping? Couldn’t these protests achieve the same effect if they were held daily at the same locations?


Report: Protesters to target Rupert Murdoch, David Koch

Occupy Wall Street protesters planned to march to the homes of five New York billionaires Tuesday to protest the expiration of the state’s millionaire’s tax.

Organizers are planning to protest at the homes of JP Morgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, businessman David Koch, hedge fund manager John Paulson, real estate developer Howard Milstein and News Corp CEO Rupert Murdoch, according to CNN Money.

The protesters plan to present oversize checks at each home to illustrate how much less the billionaires will pay after New York’s two percent tax on millionaires expires on Dec. 31.

“While everyone else is struggling and being asked to make sacrifices to get through the economic downturn, these folks are actually being given more money to line their pockets,” Occupy Wall Street spokesman Doug Forand told the amNewYork newspaper. “They live in luxury — these folks don’t need a tax break.”

The demonstrators plan to leave their established zone of “occupation” at Zuccotti Park in Lower Manhattan and travel uptown to 59th street near Central Park, where they will start their march just after noon.

The march is planned by groups associated with the Occupy Wall Street demonstrations – UnitedNY, the Strong Economy for All coalition, the Working Families Party and New York Communities for change.

The plan has “This won’t end well” written all over it.

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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30 Responses to Unionized goons attack Occupy Boston

  1. Oh boy. Had my share of billy clubs over the back from the Boston police lo those many years ago. They do not fool around when they want to clear an area.
    Interesting that it occurred in that many cities on the same night. Somebody has had enough and the marching orders went out?

    • crawdad says:

      Good question.

      San Francisco was first, so maybe they were a test case to see how the public would react. From what I can see the general reaction was “Ho-hum.”

  2. Murphy says:

    About to drive by the Occupy Boston site. Will post if I see anything interesting. My daughter was in NYC for the weekend but ignored the protest. Not all college students like kool aid.

  3. DeniseVB says:

    The longer these protests drag on, the more I question who the occupiers are. I also heard the Boston greenway area was just planted with about 150k worth of new trees and shrubs and there was concerned about damaging the new landscaping.

    • myiq2xu says:

      I saw something yesterday about Occupy Boston welcoming a group defending an accused terrorist.

      I’ll try to track it down

      • myiq2xu says:

        Boston Herald:

        The downtown protest group Occupy Boston threw its proverbial doors open yesterday, and played host to supporters of accused terrorist Terak Mehanna, who are looking to raise awareness of the Sudbury man’s upcoming trial.

        The Tarek Mehanna Support Committee came to Occupy Boston’s ever-evolving tent city on the Rose Kennedy Greenway to say Mehanna, a Muslim American pharmacist, is a victim of anti-Muslim sentiment.

        The U.S. government says Mehanna, 28, provided “material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization,” and acted as a “media wing” for al-Qaeda.

        Occupy Boston hosted the pro-Mehanna rally, but, officially, the leaderless group doesn’t have a position on the case.

    • And do note the name of the Greenway- The Rose Fitzgerald Kennedy Greenway.
      Just like Hyannis- no unwashed masses allowed.

      • elliesmom says:

        I visit the Greenway without showering first. It’s beautiful and a wonderful addition to the Boston Harbor area. The Big Dig is underneath it. It has beautiful fountains and gorgeous plantings, an antique carousel, and lots of places to sit and enjoy the park. There are no gates to keep people out- washed or unwashed. While I might be sympathetic to many of the people participating in the protest, trashing the Greenway would make my blood boil.

  4. Murphy says:

    Buncha tents on a median strip park across from South Station. Very quiet and neat looking actually –expensive tents. The kids are probably all sleeping in after last night’s party. 😉

    Cops and media vans are also calm and friendly. Commuters walking to work indifferent.

    • myiq2xu says:

      Commuters walking to work indifferent.

      In some places protests blend into the background scenery.

      There is always somebody protesting something in SF

      • Three Wickets says:

        You mean like the Haight…brunch, then protest, go shopping, protest some more, go listen to some music.

  5. Murphy says:

    Lol didn’t see your sign Catarina. Not many signs at all other than We Are the 99%

    I know a few Boston cops and law enforcement types. Will try to get their take today.

    There’s no general sympathy for that Sudbury terrorism defendant in Boston, miq. If he becomes a cause celebre of the OB protest the protesters will be dismissed by the general public here.

  6. bandit08 says:

    Very quiet and neat looking actually –expensive tents

    RU high off your ass? It looks like a garbage dump and half the tents are blue tarps strung on clothes line.

  7. yttik says:

    Near as I can tell, there were no arrests at Seattle Occupy last night. But it looks like somebody got their marching orders because police all over are stepping it up and trying to disperse them. In Seattle, the mayor is still trying to convince the protesters to relocate to city hall plaza where they can camp and have restrooms. It’s only a few blocks away, I don’t know why they don’t want to move.

  8. Lola-at-Large says:

    Doug Forand is a partner at this group: http://redhorsestrategies.com/

    Now suddenly he’s the “Occupy Wall Street spokesman”?

  9. DeniseVB says:

    About 100 protestors have moved into the Hart Senate Office Building now. Finally, picking on the politicians 😀

  10. HELENK says:

    US Capitol police advise office workers on Hill to stay away from the Hart bdg “until further notice.”

  11. HELENK says:

    latest updates on the occupy DC


  12. HELENK says:

    pictures from occupy wall street.
    very glad I am not there


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