Like chumming for sharks in a swimming area

Rikers cons flood Zuccotti for free eats

Newly sprung ex-cons and vagrants rousted from other parks are crashing the Occupy Wall Street protest, where gourmet meals are free and boozy, drug­fueled parties are on tap, the movement’s leaders griped yesterday.

“They’re telling people who leave prison to go to Zuccotti Park,” lamented Daniel Zetah, a leader of the OWS community-relations group.

Volunteer Lauren Digioia, 26, said, “We have drug dealing going on here, gang activity, public intoxication. There are a lot of instigators. There are a lot of vultures.

“Everyone knows we give out free food and sleeping bags, and it’s a perfect opportunity for squatters.”

Digioia said she recently met a man who just before getting sprung from Rikers, was told by a fellow inmate to hit Zuccotti for the free accommodations.

The frustrated organizers said they’re brainstorming how to launch a protest within the protest to target the drunken, stoned layabouts.

The derelicts, organizers say, are terrorizing people who are there to support the movement.

“There’s a lot of drugs, alcohol, assault [and] theft [by] the homeless groups coming in. We’ve had meetings all day to brainstorm what to do,’’ said Zetah, 34.

The hardened thugs are having a field day preying on overly trusting protesters, many of whom hail from small towns, leaders said.

Who could have foreseen this?

Oh yeah, I did.

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51 Responses to Like chumming for sharks in a swimming area

  1. Oh, yeah, the evils of sharing with everyone. Oh, wait, we are told they are filthy rich and not sharing…

    Tabloids: That filthy rich OWS! Sick’m!

    Whatever sticks.
    So, now that the “made by Obama” excuse is gone, why do you “liberals” love the arrests of the protesters so much? Are you still calling yourselves liberal or have you finally looked in the mirror? Why the giddiness over batons helicopters and other authority implements? Which dark recess in your conscience does this all come from?
    And rather than going in the past for the safe to approve social movements, who not take a trip to the future – say 50 years from now. How will be OWS be remembered? How will you be?

    • crawdad says:

      See, that’s why I hate labels. If you call yourself a liberal sooner or later someone will say you’re wrong because you don’t support X

    • DandyTiger says:

      Which dark recess in your conscience does this all come from?

      Good to know there’s no irrational hate coming from the OWS movement. /snark

    • DandyTiger says:

      How will be OWS be remembered?

      It won’t

    • myiq2xu says:

      You do realize that it’s the liberal Democratic mayors of Oakland and Atlanta that are in charge of evicting the protesters?

      • DandyTiger says:

        Don’t ask occupyists to think rationally. Remember, they’ve already said they don’t ever have to listen to non occupyists. Wait, that “other is evil” thing they’ve been pushing from the beginning sort of sounds like irrational hate. Nah, can’t be.

      • WMCB says:

        Pshaw! The psychology that says that “anyone who does not 100% support us is an evil bad unworthy person” is at work here, myiq.

        Just as it was in 2008 for Obama. No one was allowed to be a liberal honestly opposed and pointing out flaws and dangers and misdeeds. Nope – you had to be a bad bad not-liberal ratfucking racist HATER.

        I especially love the demand to justify “HOW can you not support this great movement??!!” And then when you DO attempt to justify – by posting the stuff that concerns and alarms you, that is then attacked as coming from some dark place.

        Just as with Obama, your choices are a) support or b) STFU about the reasons you don’t, you hater.

    • WMCB says:

      Guess what? You don’t get to fucking decide who is liberal or not. Any more than the Obots did. Nor are you privy to the dark recesses of anyone’s conscience.

      Want me to play your ridiculous game? Sure. Here ya go:

      What about your recesses? Do you dream of darkly violent revolution in there, NYS? Why the giddiness over anti-semites and anarchists and the idea of bankers pulled screaming from their homes to meet bloody ends? Are you ready to look in the mirror yet. NYS? Why does a “liberal” like you wish to overthrow our entire system of government? How can you call yourself liberal if you are allying with both oppressive statists and anarchists? Do you have a secret fetish for Gulags for the less enlightened than yourself, NYS? Gee, this is a really ugly and un-liberal side of you that you’re exposing.

      See how easy it is when you don’t have to discuss reality, you can just demonize and make broad moral assertions about the person you are addressing?

      • DandyTiger says:

        Funny how these drive-bys are so much like the Obot ones a few years ago. I don’t think our recent visitors are secret Obots, but the psychology is the same. Fascinating.

      • Rocky Hussein Squirrel says:

        Shouldn’t NYS be cheering for police brutality?

        That’s what the protesters have been hoping for – they have been trying to provoke confrontations with the cops in order to get attention.

        “Hit ’em again! Hit ’em again! Harder! Harder!”

      • DandyTiger says:

        Remember, from their own words, the occupyists don’t ever have to listen to anything non occupyists say. We’re outsiders. We’re the “other”.

        That’s not at all cult like. /snark

        • Mary says:

          Oh snap!!

        • WMCB says:

          Anyone who tries to control what you are allowed to see/hear/read is up to no good in my book. Whether they are a cult, a church, a movement, a political group, whatever.

          If you tell me that you, or some group, or some unwritten group consensus have to approve my mental inputs for me, you are a control freak. Period.

    • votermom says:

      Doesn’t it bother you to see sincere people being exploited by proven and well-funded OFA operatives in an obvious ploy to re-elect Obama?

    • Anthony says:

      “So, now that the “made by Obama” excuse is gone, why do you “liberals” love the arrests of the protesters so much? Why the giddiness over batons helicopters and other authority implements? “

      I don’t recall anyone in the thread expressing that sentiment, nor is there any evidence of it in the post. Also, I have yet to find any evidence that the “Made by Obama” sticker is gone. As a matter of fact, far from it.

      OWS will be remembered as a small blip, if at all. If your intent was to post a link to your own blog, then your mission has been accomplished. Unfortunately, it has been eclipsed by a judgmental, hostile and rigid comment

    • DandyTiger says:

      Best part of NYS’s hate talk is of course “So, now that the “made by Obama” excuse is gone”. Excuse? Gone? Says who? The facts say otherwise I’m afraid. Follow the money, follow the real effect of the distraction, wake up.

      • Anthony says:

        I’ve got a twenty (that used to be worth 50) here that says OWS will come out stridently against Obama, he will meet with them and arrive at some meaningless resolution, and then emerge as a half-assed “Populist Hero” at the peak of his (imo failed) re-election campaign.

        • votermom says:

          OWS will come out stridently against Obama
          I would think Jarrett & Axelrod would deem that a bit too risky. They will come out stridently against something else, then Obama will step in as the great mediator (beer summit anyone) and everyone will get ponies.

        • WMCB says:

          Yep. And the refrain will be something like, “Obama finally heard us! Yay! Look what we did! He has been on our side all along, but so buffeted and outmaneuvered by those who oppose him that he was weak and failing. It was up to US to give him the public outcry he needed to really get things done. And now he will! Hurrah! Look at what we did! Get behind him guys – he’s listening now!”

          Of course, nothing other than some meaningless bones will actually be done. Obama will use the OWS and Wall Street as a campaign theme and talking point about to make stirring speeches about what he plans to do if re-elected. And they will take his WORDS as their “proof” that their movement has been “effective”.

          It’s like taking candy from a baby.

  2. DeniseVB says:

    Good grief, it pays more to be a union boss than a teacher. Teachers are the chum bait for unions, so it seems. I believe Obama’s Jobs Bill goes to the unions, not the states who pay teachers and first responders’ salaries. Yes, there will be strings 😦 This article blew my mind in that the research proves, teachers’ unions aren’t about teachers afterall. It’s about union power. Maybe OWS can squat on their front lawns?

    • elliesmom says:

      I was required to join the teachers’ union in order to work. I believe the $700+ dues I had to pay every year was money that could have been better spent on supplies for my classroom – many of which I also paid for out of my pocket. But if you say anything negative about the teachers’ union on many political blogs, the rats come out of the closet to call you a right-wing, bought by the Koch brothers, dupe. The union did nothing to make my job better or easier, and certainly never considered “the children” went it came time to negotiate our contract. But people who don’t belong to the NEA know better than I do how much they “helped” me.

  3. votermom says:

    The hardened thugs are having a field day preying on overly trusting protesters, many of whom hail from small towns, leaders said.

    Overgrown Children’s Crusade.

  4. votermom says:

    OT: It’s painful when one of the guys I used to look up to turns out to be rotten.
    Why did I look up to him? Because he was vocal and had a D after his name. I hope I’m never that blind again.

    • WMCB says:

      I’ve gotten over the idea of good guys and bad guys in politics. I can cheer anyone from any side for saying or fighting for something I agree with. And I can be utterly disgusted by other actions they may take. One does not cancel out the other – they just are.

      I do not personalize politics anymore. At all. I view all politicians/candidates as chess pieces on the board for the voters to hopefully strategically move and use. Good and bad, they can be useful. In short, I now view politicians as they have always viewed voting blocs.

      • DandyTiger says:

        Since politicians are just tools for special interests, they should be just tools for voters as well.

        • WMCB says:

          Yup. Use them, don’t fall in love with them and have misguided personal loyalty crap clouding the issues.

    • DandyTiger says:

      There is a dark side to everyone. And the more power the person gets, the more of that comes out. I try to separate the good stuff they’re doing from their asshole side. That was true of Bill, true of MLK, true of many. That doesn’t always mean we should discount them. Of course if that dark side is really horrible, then screw ’em.

      • votermom says:

        It is pretty bad in this case.

      • WMCB says:

        Yeah, sometimes the balance tips too far one way, and you do write them off entirely. But thinking that any national scale politician has no nastiness anywhere in there is a mistake. They all do, or they would not have made it to where they are, or even be human.

        OTOH, even people I think are DEAD WRONG on things like Medicare can be dead right on others. Like Paul Ryan, who gave a speech today and in part said this:

        That’s the real class warfare that threatens us: A class of bureaucrats and connected crony capitalists trying to rise above the rest of us, call the shots, rig the rules, and preserve their place atop society. And their gains will come at the expense of working Americans, entrepreneurs, and that small businesswoman who has the gall to take on the corporate chieftain.

        He’s right about that. It’s not just corporations in general, but the connected corporate chieftains in conjunction with their political allies who are screwing over the little guy. I can say he’s right in this instance without that being a wholesale endorsement of every word out of Ryan’s mouth, ever. Because I am looking at facts, not endorsing or being enamored with persons.

    • DeniseVB says:

      Crap, my husband (also a Marine) was right, Murtha was a piece of sh*t. RIP, but dang, I hate when my dh is right.

  5. DeniseVB says:

    O.M.F.G. this is funny. Zombie did a photo journal of S.F. Tea Party Crashers in April 2010. Also included links to other blogs who did the same in their areas. Since OWS seems to have problems with “ratf**ckers” perhaps their Twinkles Security Team can develop an “outting” program like this? (This for our visitors who seem to think WE have a denial problem).

    You’re welcome 😉

    • WMCB says:

      And of course, when a real live Nazi sympathizing nutjob showed up, the teapartiers made sure to publicly try to get rid of him, and hound him away – and document it. IOW, they took responsibility for the public face of their movement, unlike OWS.

  6. timothy2010 says:

    “They’re telling people who leave prison to go to Zuccotti Park,” lamented Daniel Zetah, a leader of the OWS community-relations group.”

    — They ain’t seen nothing yet. Believe it hasn’t yet gone below the 40’s in NYC. When it gets brutally cold they are going to be inundated.
    Can they really be that naive?

    • WMCB says:

      Can they really be that naive?

      Some of the protestors can be, for sure. And some of the organizers don’t care, because they seem to WANT unfocused unrest and police confrontations and general chaos.

      • Anthony says:

        Epitaph will be:

        “They came, they saw, they failed”

        • WMCB says:

          They are sunk because they boxed themselves in. See, any other protest group, seeing the criminals and violence glomming on to their movement, and the chaos in the encampments, could change methods and shift strategy . They could decide to scratch the tent city idea and move on to some other means of expression to meet their goal. Big marches, a series of rallies, townhalls, etc.

          Other groups could do that because they actually have a point, and at least some loosely agreed upon policy goals.

          For OWS, the camping out and “being” an “alternative community” who are “exploring new ways of being a society” IS the only discernible point. It’s utterly meta. It’s a movement about itself. The method is not just a method employed in service of a definable goal. The method is IT. It’s all they have. Other groups can change methods, because their GOALS were always the point, not the method. OWS can’t do that.

        • myiq2xu says:

          I still haven’t seen a good explanation as to why “occupying” is essential to the movement.

        • votermom says:

          I still haven’t seen a good explanation as to why “occupying” is essential to the movement.

          My impression is it’s because they are copying Tahrir Square. Except for not wanting to depose the ruler.

        • DeniseVB says:

          Been there done that, on the left and on the right. Probably why I’m a middler, both sides need to get together and slam dunk the current administration and their sorry assed excuses. I don’t see that happening with the OWS Freaks 😉

      • DandyTiger says:

        … they seem to WANT unfocused unrest and police confrontations and general chaos

        They do. It’s the whole point. It’s called diffuse the left’s energy and distract. It’s brilliant really. And it’s working. Notice how the occupyist bloggers are not talking about primarying Obama, or other similar things. In fact a major part of the movement is to not be political. How conveeeeeenient. 🙂

        Their fear is of course that OWS will take on a life of it’s own and actually get organized and political. So far their worries are for not.

        • DandyTiger says:

          The original OFA organizers and well distributed OFA handlers are of course making sure things don’t get out of hand, but things can when you create such a monster. So far so good. And the fact that most occupyists are so delusional and so quick to fight liberal non occupyists is testament to the OFA effectiveness.

          Like the OFA efforts a few years ago, I have to tip my hat to their effectiveness. And roping in liberal holdouts from the last cycle is icing on the cake.

      • timothy2010 says:

        There are so many dangers to so many people living in such cramped unsanitary conditions. New York has a bed bug problem. Can bed bugs spread Hep C? Aren’t the prison and homeless populations more susceptible to Hepatitis, TB and scores of other diseases. Some are using tarps for groups as tents– no ventilation. Somebody better start to care. Criminal if some well-meaning youths have to suffer a chronic condition because someone thought they were useful tools.

        • myiq2xu says:

          Criminal if some well-meaning youths have to suffer a chronic condition because someone thought they were useful tools.

          Or die.

          There have already been violent incidents (that didn’t involve the police.)

          Sooner or later someone will get seriously hurt or killed.

      • DeniseVB says:

        True story. With all due respect to OWSland, they are idiots, useful idiots 😉

  7. bandit08 says:

    Newly sprung ex-cons and vagrants rousted from other parks are crashing the Occupy Wall Street protest

    Aren’t they part of the 99%? How are they crashing – weren’t they invited? Aren’t they “societies most vulnerable”?

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