Walking into a trap

Police Arrest About 400 Protesters on Brooklyn Bridge

In a tense showdown above the East River, the police arrested about 400 demonstrators from the Occupy Wall Street protests who took to the roadway as they tried to cross the Brooklyn Bridge on Saturday afternoon.

The police did not immediately release precise arrest figures, but said it was the choice of those marchers that led to the swift enforcement.

“Protesters who used the Brooklyn Bridge walkway were not arrested,” said the head police spokesman, Paul J. Browne. “Those who took over the Brooklyn-bound roadway, and impeded vehicle traffic, were arrested.”

But many protesters said that they thought the police had tricked and trapped them, allowing them onto the bridge and even escorting them across, only to surround them in orange netting after hundreds of them had entered.

“The cops watched and did nothing, indeed, seemed to guide us on to the roadway,” said Jesse A. Myerson, a media coordinator for Occupy Wall Street who was in the march but was not arrested.

Suckers! The bridge is like a giant holding pen. The cops could easily block both ends and arrest the protestors at their leisure.

Look on the bright side – they’ll have some nice jailhouse tattoos to show their friends.

About Myiq2xu - BA, JD, FJB

I was born and raised in a different country - America. I don't know what this place is.
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30 Responses to Walking into a trap

  1. myiq2xu says:

    Like taking candy from a bunch of babies.

  2. votermom says:

    They don’t think. I remember the Cairo protestors being way smarter than this.

    I think that’s because the Cairo protestors weren’t just doing it for fun and games — they were in it to either make Mubarak leave or end up dead themselves.
    The stakes are way lower for these wannabes.

    • ralphb says:

      WTF, it’s not Festivus yet. It is not time for the Airing of the Grievances.

    • yttik says:

      It’s a pretty good manifesto! The problem is, you actually have to be protesting “for” something.

      That sign is great, “sh&t is f-ed up and bullsh&t.” Likely quite true, but what are you asking for? More fiber?

  3. yttik says:

    “We thought they were escorting us because they wanted us to be safe.”

    ROFL! My bad, but that just cracked me up. I’m going to have to assume that these are highly privileged white kids that just don’t have much experience with law enforcement?

    Rather then going out and learning everything the hard way, maybe they should talk to their parents? A bit of wisdom and experience would be helpful right about now. That’s one of the hazards of dismissing your elders as “dried up” and “no longer needed.” It’s a shame, quite a few of us have done some protesting ourselves and could have mentioned the dangers of getting charged with obstructing traffic. Those 10 Dept of Corrections buses parked at the end of the bridge may have been a clue, too.

  4. ralphb says:

    This is just beautiful. Video: Woman hears voice for the first time


  5. Three Wickets says:

    Is the Personal Democracy Forum aligned with OFA. Anyone know either way..

  6. lorac says:

    Ralph, it is a nice video. But something seemed wrong to me – if she’s never heard sound or voice before, she wouldn’t know what words are. It would be like us hearing a foreign language – we would hear sounds, but they wouldn’t seem like “words” to us, they wouldn’t have meaning.

    She was answering questions the tech asked when her eyes were covered, so she wasn’t reading lips. There’s no way she would understand the sounds (words) she was hearing the first time she heard them. I checked into it more, and she heard until age 4, and had partial, poor hearing after that. So – it’s wonderful that she can move forward now, but the title is misleading – it’s not a video of her hearing for the first time.

    (and of couse, she speaks perfectly, which also doesn’t make sense if she has never heard – but that’s less of an issue than her supposed ability to understand words the first time she hears them!)

  7. Three Wickets says:

    Think I’m watching fewer movies these days because so many of these pampered millionaire hollywood actors are saying dumb santimonious things about politics. Which is too bad because I’m a big fan of movies.

  8. DeniseVB says:

    Police videos with warning to protestors … it’s your basic Civil Disobedience 101 rule. If the police issue a warning…..you are free to leave. If you choose to stay, you will be arrested. They were breaking the law by obstructing traffic for hours.


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